Publisher Rates


Total Paid: $26.73 Total Members: 10

Package Description / Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Desktop Mobile / Tablet
United States $2.5000 $2.5000
Azerbaijan $2.0000 $2.0000
Albania $2.0000 $2.0000
India $2.0000 $2.0000
American Samoa $2.0000 $2.0000
Angola $2.0000 $2.0000
Antarctica $2.0000 $2.0000
Argentina $2.0000 $2.0000
Aruba $2.0000 $2.0000
Austria $2.0000 $2.0000

Note : Our payout rates are dynamic and depend on the advertising income that we receive. So sometimes the prices can increase/decrease for some countries.